Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Music and Sound Clips

When we were in the copyright and fair use class today, we disussed that a huge amount of what we do in our classroom and how it either follows or doesn't follow the copyright law. This I found to be very beneficial. It was amazing how much is not allowed and yet students can have a small amount (10% or less) of a song for use in the classroom only. Here is a great site to start with for information on copyrights and another good site is Enjoy searching.


Becca said...

I learned so much in the copyright and fair use session. Wow... it's amazing what we DIDN'T know!

Jan S said...

I am surprised that there are restrictions on music that has been purchased. We thought we were doing things the "right" way by having the kids buy their music, then telling them they could use it in their PowerPoints, MovieMakers, or any other presentation.

Nate said...

I've always been curious about this topic. Music and Sound clips can really enhance the students' learning in the current world we live in where they consume so many things with their senses and expect us to do the same. Fair Use, in general, has always helped me believe that I didn't have to kill myself as a teacher to get permission for a segment of something for a teachable moment. Copyright infringement, however, seems to be more and more of a concern as everyone wants to become a publisher. Something to keep an eye on.

Kristan said...

This session was informative and a bit sobering. One point that was made is that as teachers we MUST continue to use material for project and such or we could lose the "right" to even do the little we can do legally right now. It's a matter of taking the time to "borrow" material in the correct way and amounts.

Kristan said...

We found out that we can't use our fabulous sound clip of Shuar warriors chanting in our museum podcast. But... it has been suggested that we practice it a little bit and perhaps WE could provide the bsckkground sounds! NO copyright problems! Right Tammy? ha ha

Melissa Stolaski said...

Copyrights and fair use- we should be thankful that we can use some of the information in our class. Could you imagine the changes to our classroom if we couldn't use anything at all.